How to Make Classic Deviled Eggs

Some places offer very specific and fancy deviled eggs recipes. This isn’t that. There’s a good chance that nobody in the whole world eats enough deviled eggs to need a variety of recipes for them.

This is a classic deviled eggs recipe. This is what people think of when someone says deviled eggs.

Classic deviled eggs
You don’t need one of those fancy deviled egg plates, but it would be nice.

Deviled Egg Ingredients

This recipe makes twelve deviled eggs out of six eggs. If you need more, double it up and make it a whole dozen.

  • Six peeled hardboiled eggs
  • Between a quarter of a cup and a half cup of (preferably) light mayonnaise
  • A half teaspoon of dry mustard
  • A half teaspoon of white vinegar
  • A quarter teaspoon of each salt and pepper
  • And paprika, to make your finished product look all deviled-eggsy

How to Make Deviled Eggs

Deviled eggs are actually extremely easy to prepare. Once you have hard boiled your eggs (check out this guide on hardboiling eggs perfectly if you’re not completely confident) there is only a few steps to make your deviled eggs.

Cut your hard boiled eggs lengthwise and remove the cooked egg yolks. They should pop out very easily, if you did a good job hard-boiling the eggs.

Throw the egg yolks in a bowl and add your dry mustard, white vinegar, and your salt and pepper.

Start mixing in your mayonnaise – you should start with a quarter of a cup. A quarter of a cup of mayonnaise will give you a fairly firm consistency, so feel free to gently add more to the mixture to get a consistency you are happy with. There is no hard rule, but if you go over half a cup, you have more than likely gone too far.

Once you’ve mixed everything together you can re-add it to the egg white shells. Put it where you removed the yolks from.

Place your almost-finished deviled eggs onto a plate, sprinkle them with paprika, cover them up, and put them in the fridge. Let them cool for a few hours and you’re done.

Tips for Making Deviled Eggs

  • You can add horseradish or some chopped green onion or basically anything you want. But then that wouldn’t be classic, would it?
  • Deviled eggs get a bit better when they’ve been given a good amount of time to cool. It’s best practice to make them the night before you plan on eating them.

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